- Improves moulting process.
- Maintains minerals availability in water and soil.
- Facilitates osmoregulation process.
- Helps in development of plankton bloom.
Min Power
Feed supplements of Minerals.
- Improves moulting process.
- Maintains minerals availability in water and soil.
- Facilitates osmoregulation process.
- Helps in development of plankton bloom.
Rational mixture of:
- Calcium
- Phosphorus
- Manganese
- Iron
- Magnesium
- Potassium
- Copper
- Zinc.
Feed: 10kg per ton of feed.
- Take required quantity of MIN POWER and Uniformly mix with feed or as per the advice of an Aquaculture Consultant.
Water: 10kg per acre.
- Take required quantity of MIN POWER and mix with water. Sprinkle on pond surface or as per the advice of an Aquaculture Consultant.
Feed: 10kg per ton of feed.
- Take required quantity of MIN POWER and Uniformly mix with feed or as per the advice of an Aquaculture Consultant.
Water: 10kg per acre.
- Take required quantity of MIN POWER and mix with water. Sprinkle on pond surface or as per the advice of an Aquaculture Consultant.
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